Monday, July 27, 2009

In the now...

I had a little bit of a revelation this morning.

Today is not nearly strong enough to bear the weight of the past and the future. You just have to let it be today.

I have been aware of this truth for most of my life, but there is a clear difference between being aware of an idea and experiencing an idea. The revelation was that today I experienced the idea... and remembered how incredibly easy it is to do. There was nothing unique or special about point of awareness. In fact, it was actually just a daily routine. I just kind of woke up and realized that I could just be present, content and interested in what was happening.

I remember that someone commented to me at one point in my life that they loved how I was always very present and living in the moment. I think it is easy to lose that, and I think I did for a long time. The trick is that it is as subtle as a brainwave shift; like muscle memory, but with the mind. On the plus side, I think it is easy to maintain once you get into the proper mindset.

So here's to living, right now.

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